“I find the Firefly infrared light device invaluable for my husband’s Parkinson’s. Recently when I returned from a 7-day trip, I found him weak and in a frozen state. No one had used our rented Firefly on him while I was gone. Otherwise, he had plenty of food, rest, medication, and exercise. I was so concerned I immediately booked a Firefly Clinic Pro treatment with our doctor. I was amazed at how much better he was afterward. When we arrived home he walked into the house, made us a smoothie, walked into the club and cycled for 20 minutes, walked back into the house, had a clearer mind, and got himself ready for bed with no assistance. This dramatic improvement convinced us to buy the Firefly Home model.”
~~Marsh H.~~
(Video: Chronically ill Auto-Immune patient with Hashimotos and Epstein Barr recovers after Firefly treatment.)